Sunday, 5 May 2013


Run as fast and as far as you can for 20sec, then slow to a walk until you catch your breath. Repeat for 10 min. Set a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike for interval training. Set a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike for interval training. Most modern exercise equipment can be set to an interval training mode, which will significantly increase the difficulty of the exercise for short period of time.  Go for a quick walk. Fit some exercise into your work day by getting up from your desk and going for a 5-min. power walk. Take long strides and keep a brisk pace, or try going up and down a flight of stairs.
  Do the bridge. Get into the position for doing a push up/press up. Rest on your elbows and keep tor eyes to the flour at all times. Pull your stomach muscle in tight, imagining them  going to your backbone. As you do this, your bottom should be down and your back straight. Aim to hold this position for as long as it feels comfortable. During the holding period, don’t arch your back but keep it as straight as long as it feels comfortable. If it feels so hard at first, allow your knees to form arresting platform. Aim to hold the position for 30secs and repeat this exercise 3 to 5times.
   Stand with your feet 8-9 inches apart, extend your arms in front of you, and squat your hips backward. Do four sets of 15 to 20 squats, working several minutes at a time. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Put your right hand on your hip, and lift your left arm straight up, so that your palm is facing to the right. Keeping your legs centered, lean to the and “reach” over with your left arm, stretching your left side. Do 3 to 5 times on each side.
   Track your progress by timing how long it takes you to run a mile. As your cardiovascular  stamina improves, you will notices the time going down. Don’t overdo it. When you are first getting into cardio, aim to workout 3 days per week, then build up to 4 when you are ready. Pushing  yourself every single days won’t give Your body enough time to recover and build up muscle, and could lead to injury.

Tips on Lifestyle change to loss fat


  Try to eat your breakfast around the same time each day. Always include protein and high fibre foods in your breakfast because they take longer to process than refined sugars. Aviod making sugary cereals, waffes, pancakes, French toast, breakfast pastries or instant oatmeal the sole focus of your breakfast. Try eggs, Peanut butter, and fresh fruit and vegetables
     Get enough sleep, most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night to function properly. Set aside time to relax. Keep your stressors away from your sleeping area. If you can avoid it, don’t do work or anything stressful in your bedroom. Tell yourself that the area is reserved for rest and relaxation, and resolve to leave your worries behind as soon as you step into your bedroom.
    Melt fat with grain. A diet rich in whole grain changes the glucose and insulin response in your body,which hastens the melting of fat, visceral fat, that deep layer of fat is easier for your body to burn than the subcutaneous fat under your skin. Try to avoid white grain, purchase brown wheat bread instead of over processed-white bread and favor wild brown rice over white rice

Aim to drink an 8-oz glass of water 8 times per day,or 64 ounces total. Carry a water bottle with you so that can dink whenever you feel thirsty. Know how to tell when you’re sufficiently hydrated